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Reunification & Conjoint Therapy

Every child deserves the ability to have a positive relationship with both parents. Sometimes there are factors that may negatively impact the parent child bond. If your child has a rupture in their parental relationship it may be time to seek a third party to assist with the family dynamics and the unique needs of your child. Con-joint therapy (also commonly called reunification therapy) may help to build a structure to teach and support the family members in order to strengthen bonds. Dr. Kanaventi meets with the child (or children) separately from the parents first to understand their perspective. Meeting with the estranged parent is then necessary to identify areas of strengths, nature of the relationship, and parenting skills needed to bridge the divide between the child and parent. Dr. Kanaventi believes it is important to meet with all parties involved (including the primary parent) to identify ways to improve communication and connection. 

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